Forget the heavy scary book of Halloween or the weird book about things that hump,thump,or go bump in the dark of night! Grab a hot toddy,a glass of wine,a cold beer,or some green tea along with your favorite fruit or bag of munchies,settle back in your easy chair,bed,or recliner and get ready to enjoy 'TRUTH,'TIS STRANGER THAN FICTION, M'DEAR! Make sure you bring up the older posts here for some interesting reads and sketches,...thank you.
Ghouling your way...Dave DRAGula1
WELCOME TO the CRYPTOSIGHT BLOG. Everything related to cryptozoology and the paranormal can be posted here, including personal experiences of the unexplained, photos and artwork.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Monday, October 26, 2009
A comparison sketch w/R.W.Morgan's cover art.

Creature at middle left, is 1st rough sketch on location,as described by witness to me, after sighting along Chestnut Ridge,Jumonville area,Fayette County,PA,which occured this August,2009. Notice similarity with creature on R.W.Morgan's cover art published over 10 years ago and taken from the Northwest territories of the USA. Fascinating how the gene pool could possibly be THIS strong...all the way into Western,PA!? Talk about 'where your relatives are from'? Well,they do say,you can't pick your relatives,and you can pick your friends,but, you can't pick your friends nose!
Recent sightings in Fayette County,PA along the Chestnut Ridge,Jumonville/Dunbar Mt.s vicinity.
A lady and her daughter watched in awe, as they witnessed an ape-like hairy creature cross this Texas Eastern gas-line in the Dunbar Mts. of Fay.Co.,PA shortly after 5PM on a late Thurs. afternoon,in Sept.'09. The only sounds made occurred when the creature left the wooded/brush area, located to the left of the sketch, then appeared, entered and silently crossed the grassy cut section of the pipeline. The anomaly walked rather stiff-leggedly on the very well-used game trail which was detailed with other wildlife prints in the dirt sections of the pathway. One depression was found, the following day, @approx. 10:45 AM in the soil located in the brushy/wooded area just to the right of the pipeline and a cast was made of the very large human-shaped foot impression. Upon further investigation,my wife and I heard distinct sharp woodknocks in the not too distant wooded area @11:03 AM,followed by a strange,poorly imitated peacock-like bird whistle @11:15AM. This bird-sound moved in a 180* fashion from due South,to SW,to NW,to North,and finally stopping @ a NE direction so fast...we both theorized the sound could have been made by 5 separate places of origin. The next day,Sat. the witnesses found a dead torn-up pig, with a bashed-in head, not far from where the creature first entered the gas pipe-line, near a small stream. The following day,Sun.,the domestic pig's body could not be found,only some older bones and torn flesh was left behind,along with the stench of 'death' that seemed to linger at the stream. On the distant horizon are the mills located approx. 8.5 air miles away near Cranberry Glade Lake. This pipeline crosses the Youghiogeney River not far from the whitewater area of Ohio Pyle State Park. Just to the north of this sighting,across the Yough River is Indian Creek Station. According to my records,one of the oldest documented sightings of a squatch-like creature in PA.
Earlier, in August of this year,approx. 4 air miles away from the above sighting,along the
outskirts of the town of Dunbar,to the left is the results of the sketch related to the adult-sized creature seen, as another witness "J" walked to an outside area of her family's old homestead. Her intent was to feed her cats & their kittens as she normally does every morning. On this particular day, shortly after 8AM, her twin sister "J2"parked the car in the nearby gravel drive-way, remaining inside the vehicle, while "J" walked into the grassy area of the family's back-yard area. The original structure was burned down,some years back,with only portions of the cement area of the basement and part of the chimney above ground level. The yard is still well-maintained,although no-one presently lives on the property. Apparently, the newly mowed grass under foot muffled "J" 's footsteps, as she entered the yard and began to walk towards a large rock embedded in the ground. The rock is located just below a rather vast, thicket area of black-berry bushes, small trees, and brush, which borders the upper section of the uphill yard. "J" was startled to see a small,adolescent sized hairy hominid raise up from an eating position in front of the bushes and notice "J" for the first time. It began to run- first on 2, then onto 4 legs, and beat a path in a southerly direction away from her and out of the seclusion of the berrybushes and yard perimeter. "J" stated later, that she never saw any wildlife run as fast as that little one took off to get away from her. Almost at the same time, she notices an adult-like hairy hominid creature just standing and eating berries approx. 5' into the thicket cover, and maybe 10' away from where the little guy was busily eating. This larger creature sees "J" and begins to turn away quickly, attempting to leave in the OPPOSITE direction of the younger critter. His retreat is at first somewhat stymied, due to the brambles and thorns of the extremely thick flora,but,eventually he makes good his getaway as quick as possible. Later,as we investigated,we found no hair,no prints or impressions,but, we did measure the area. And,it was determined that the adult stood close to 9" tall. He & the little one,were only approx. 30' to 35' away from "J" as she first approached them. "J" said the smaller creature had hair the color and texture of a rabbit's coat in the summer season, and the thick hair seemed to flow softly in the air as it departed. The adult creature was described as being covered in dark brown to black thick hair, it was very muscular with little or no neck,white-faced with it's beard tipped in grey to white-ish colored hairs. Neither creature made any vocalizations upon discovery nor in it's get-away. "J" noticed no odor during nor after the event. She stated that,even though she had never thought to see such creatures ever, let alone in this section of the country, she sort of knew what she had witnessed as the entire scenario played out. Surprised,but,not really shaken by the event, she told us that she simply turned, after both creatures departed,and she walked back to her car where her twin-sister sat waiting for "J" 's return. She re-iterated that she leaned toward her sis and simply said something on the order of,..."You won't believe the strange people that I just saw stealing berries from our bushes!" I was pleasantly surprised that both sisters,in their mid-60's,and retired from their teaching/education careers,had such an open-mind to what they think they had experienced. I mean they both accepted it with a 'grain of salt',so to speak. AND, retrospect,had enough foresight to formulate the followg opinion; it was like yesterday,they can remember,when they were growing up at the family home,and many summer and autumn nights, they would sit out on the back porch with members of their family and just listen to the natural night sounds of the woods and mountains bordering their property. Growing up in the woods of that vicinity,they knew the tracks,sights and sounds of all the wildlife there. But,often they would wonder, what strange animals could be making a raucus such as that of a wailing human infant and/or those incessant, loud screams of a woman being raped,coming from the up-hill mountain direction. They could never figure that out,...until,...they think,...NOW they know!
Earlier, in August of this year,approx. 4 air miles away from the above sighting,along the

Tuesday, January 27, 2009
"You put your left foot in, do the Hokey Pokey and the creature turns itself around!"
Squatch sighting near Stahlstown,PA, in Jan. of '05, triggers a series of recalled events covering 3 generations of family members re:days gone bye!

PREFACE:The primary witness in this sighting had,at first,insisted on anonymity because of his job/career position with a national corporation,as many people who may be in a similar position choose to do, when they first decide to go public to reveal an incident they experienced and can't explain.*( His request had a reverse attitudinal change following the investigation.) Mutual respect will keep me from divulging exact names and pinpoint references.
PART I of our story begins as a small group of 4 adult researchers arrived,as planned,mid-Saturday afternoon for our initial intro/meeting with the witness whom I'll refer to as PK. A very intelligent,down-to-earth, robust man in his late 30's. The weather was mild for a mid-February day and we managed to meet and stay out-of-doors for the duration of our stay. We congregated on the front-street of the home belonging to his relatives, in this small rural community,located atop the Chestnut Ridge,barely six miles from the PA Turnpike/I76. Prior to our one-on-one briefing,the 4 of us investigators (along w/ a young 8yr old son of one of the dad's in our group) took it upon ourselves to do a 'walk-about' ( with land owner's permission ) on some of the neighboring farms and woodlots to 'gain a fix', so to speak, on any outward signs of squatch activity in the snow - driven mountaintop territory. That hour-long excursion came up with few,if any,actual hints or clues.
After the basic introduction,name exchange and handshakes with the witness,he had no qualms about beginning his re-iteration of events that had occurred approximately 6 weeks earlier. We maintained our gathering around the driveway of his parents home ,earnestly listening as he began to walk and talk us through his explanation of the creature sighting. His episode took place right where we stood,thus it wasn't difficult to picture, in geographical actuality, 'what went down...where'. PK said his incident occurred shortly after his arrival at his folk's home,a day or so following the New Year's holiday. He parked his SUV in the driveway and his immediate family entered the house to greet their relatives who had arrived earlier for a belated holiday get-together. Soon afterward,he alone,returned outside and walked up the drive to his vehicle with the intention to retrieve some packages. He opened the rear tailgate,thus putting his back to the rural 2-lane road which ran parallel to the property. The time was somewhere between dusk and early evening. A lone electrical yardlight at the northern point of the house was the only predominant ambient light source in the immediate rural vicinity. A porchlight was lit on the front porch so...the ability to see clearly was somewhat at a margin. PK said,what caught his attention at first was some noise eminating from the rather thick 'stick grass' that bordered the roadside directly across the street from where he was parked. Being the last person to arrive that day,he had parked at the end of the driveway. He turned to look as to what was making the sounds and couldn't see immediately as to what it was. He thought at first,...if it was an animal it sounded large enough to be a deer caught in the brambled mess of tall ,dry,stick grass. When he turned and moved away from the car and a bit closer towards the road to observe the rucus, whatever it was slowed it's movement and almost seemed rather aware that it was being watched. The animal's movements lessened even more so and became more deliberate, almost with measured caution and then...finally ceased. No movement,...only the still of the evening could be heard. Curiosity got the best of him after a few moments and PK felt it best he return to the house. Upon entering he related to an adult male family member as to the outside oddity. Each grabbed a flashlight,and summoned a couple of the family dogs. The lot of them exited the house and headed to the roadside portion of the property.
There was immediate indication after shining their lights and looking into the thicket-that whatever had been there had moved on, what direction had yet to be determined. His relative turned right at the road and headed in that direction,northward...away from the streetlamp, with the two eager dogs,and his flashlight on. PK turned left stepping onto the road,his flash-spotlight on and headed slowly southward in the opposite direction, panning his light into the thicket and across the landscape all the while. PK was following the road with neighboring houses to his left,the stick grass and adjoining property on his right,as he proceded cautiously toward the neighbor's open-lot property at the south-point end of the block. He cautiously was angling himself closer towards the thicket with each new step. PK commented that he slowly approached the end of the patch of the stick grass thicket,which thinned-out somewhat just at the edge of his neighbor's driveway. This gravel drive was situated approximately 30 yards before the corner of the block.
He heard the dry grass crackling first and then saw, from about 30 yards away, what he could only describe as a very large,dark-brownish colored,hairy hominid,with no neck, hurriedly stand up on 2 legs and begin to leave the stickgrass's cover at a rather fast pace. He observed in awe as the creature walked out into the open field,crossing the driveway and headed in the direction of a neighbor's log-cabin home and small horse-farm located across the street from his folk's home atop a very steep hill. PK surmized the creature had to be at least 8 ft. tall,because when it stood up in the stick grass the top edge of the sticks reached the crease at the bottom of the creatures' buttox. PK stands slightly over 6ft tall, and he raised his arm to illustrate where the grass reached his body,... positioning his arm out flat near the top of his pectorals. He observed the creature's long flowing body hair as it moved it's large frame and defined the hominid's entire body as massive but svelt. PK emphasized how it's shoulders just met the head with no apparent neck. He said a lot was happening in his mind at this moment but pondered as the first thought of reality hit him ..."I thought all this talk about a bigfoot creature was now- non-existent, in this day and age,let alone seeing a creature as in PA." He watched in disbelief as the creature continued it's ascent up the steep hill with ease,and when it reached the first of two rail fences that bordered the outer perimeter of the property,it stepped over the fence with ease and grace...never breaking it's gaite, and did so at the next rail fence that bordered the inner barnyard. Only after the creature crossed the two fence lines and was headed towards the front lawn of the cabin and barnyard did it finally turn the entire upper-half of it's body to look back around and sort of acknowledge PK for the first time,who remained trans-fixed,with his handheld spotlight,standing at the edge of the road, gazing back up at the spectacle. PK gawked, as this 'beast of a hairy being' observed PK for 2 or 3 more steps, then, almost as if it was satisfied that there was no persuit action in it's direction, it slowly turned away from PK and continued on its path across the neighboring property,almost non-chalant,and dissapeared over the horizon at the top of the ridge.
As quickly as this entire incident was over. Pk said he just stood at that spot along the road and starred for a while,taking it all in,not really knowing let alone believing what he just witnessed. When asked later,after he related his experience to us, as to whether there were any distinct sounds or odors, he stated that there were none that he could recall. He also could not discern what the creature's facial features were in detail,other than 2 eyes,a nose and mouth. He could not distinguish if it had a saggital crest,but didn't recall if there was eyeshine,reflective or otherwise. He didn't seem to think there was shine or he would've noticed that. The beast was too far away for great detail ,beside the fact the there was not adequate lighting for any better description.
PK has been an outdoorsman his entire life,hunting,fishing,camping,climbing,and hiking. Presently he teaches survival/wilderness skill courses,rock and mountain climbing,first aid and wilderness readiness/preparedness to others who seek his counsel through-out the US and abroad. He stated that he has never witnessed any similar creature or like animal, let alone an unexplained edgey occurance in all of his travels, such as he witnessed that winter's night in Jan. near his parents' rural home.
COMING SOON TO THIS BLOG SALOON BEFORE THE NEXT FULL MOON...and following a brief respite of snacks and refreshments from our back-packs...
PK's younger sister joins in, jogs the memory banks,and sets the record straight!
Sunday, January 11, 2009
6 pics/scenes of property ( PLUS a BLOGSQUATCH )in Armstrong County,PA where nests and 'Stick Stacks' have been researched over the past 6 years.
This photo was rather interesting in that there was no 'real' discernable weather-related nor natural reason for this tree to be bent and attached to it's 'treed' or attached location at the end of the tree,near it's crown portion approximately 11 the ground.

This photo in the series of the top 3 was just a random glamour sho/'B'roll-static of nearby grasses and rough flora growth it's winterized state.
This photo was also originally shot to capture the simple harsh winter-like beauty of the immediate area,but,upon further investigation...lo and behold-what's that in the background,at the edge of the field near the treeline, possibly 'creepin' and a peepin' away into the underbrush? Another 'blogsquatch' added to the countless numbers of similar photos on the www. We have no idea,...your guess is welcome.
These 2 pics are of the area approximately 1500 yards in a NNE direction from where large and small possible directional markers were examined and depicted in the various corresponding ( Stick-Stacking )posts. The photo is a med-wide shot of the 100 yard diameter bowl-like depression in the somewhat flat area at the top of the access road
where gas well hardware for a utility company is implemented.
Here is the med-wide shot of the access road looking southward from the gas well towards the main legislative route that borders/parallels the southern edge/property line of the acreage in question. Note:(somewhat)the extreme size and height of the lodge-pole pines (more photos to illustrate this will be forthcoming). The utility access road is approximately 10 feet wide from outer edge to outer edge. Also keep in mind,...there are 2 small streams that border both South to North borders of this acreage. We have found various fresh water food sources along here. These waterways are not deep enough to harbour trout,but,...they do flow into a larger tributary which does.
Friday, January 9, 2009
4 Preliminary pencil sasquatch sketches
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Another original hominid pencil sketch.."SOMEBODY KNOCK?"

WOODKNOCKING as a means/method of a type of distance communication possibly used by tribes/family units, and descriptions of these intriguing forest people looking similar to silver-back or mountain gorillas inspired this sketch. I'd be peeking too. I mean really,...if it was me napping,and the call wasn't too urgent,like..."Honey,...would you bring home some berries? The kids are acting up and we have a bridge appoinment tonight. You promised you'd knock over a few lodge pole pines and oak trees and build a half-dozen or so across the canyon. Hon,...are you listening. Must I knock louder?"
Note: the twisted smaller branch growing from the side of this hardwood the big guy is using for a nap/leaning-post...this is indicative of a possible marker/territory signage. Hardly noticable and ever so slight, but recognized among many sasquatch researchers as a good sign of a travel route. Often times found along side of well used roads as a marker for a an entry point of travel. Find some of these,if you're lucky, and then...begin to look downward for any crossing depression in the grass,weeds,or ground area. Search closely for prints,signs of passage,and/or depressions in the soil left behind by these big critters.
Nest-like structure off I 70 W in the Egypt Ohio/Wilds area.

Hmmm,...just thinking,...what with the present-day economy somewhat in Limbo and trying to cut outing/research costs,so to speak,I may consider this structure, if I can locate it, the next time I plan on visiting relatives in the Cambridge,Ohio/Salt Fork lake St. Park area. Especially if it has decent WiFi and the rest room facilities in the near-by vicinity, have tree bark that isn't too rough on the 'glutes',...if you catch my drift. And,if you do,...I hope you're downwind!
Susquatch Original pencil sketches
Monday, December 29, 2008
Bigfoot Stick Stacking? Armstrong County, PA
Here's a perfect example of not seeing the 'stick stacking' in the forest for the trees!
I heard my stomach growl,my bio-clock signalling that it was later than I had previously thought, when my wife and I decided to move slightly from our original post set up earlier that morning. Sure enough,after checking time-mode on my GPS, it was just after 1PM on the 3rd day of the PA rifled whitetail season, Nov. 2007. I opened my camouflaged day/ back-pack and began to savor the 3 course meal of beef jerky,cheddar cheese and bottled water. This was quite enjoyable I thought to myself as I sat comfortably on my hot seat, which I had placed upon a fallen log,relaxing in the warm early afternoon late autumnal sun. Behind me, not more than 10 - 15 ft. away, was my wife at the ready with our digital camera and camcorder,both of us anticipating an opportune moment of a browsing whitetail or fleeting 'venison on the hoof". With her and my profile hidden by the trees we had at our backs,we were on the alert with all senses hitting every piston. We had been sitting and observing for a good 45minutes or so at this location,she was posting/covering areas to the East and South of the property we usually hunt,...I was facing the West and Northward approaches for any movement,scent or sound. Suddenly it dawned on me,...duh,...what the 'H' was that large timber placed on the upright pole in such (an almost 45 degree) direction fashion. It almost looked like a possible directional marking stacking,..duh! I sat and observed the structure,which was approximately 20 to 25 yards from my vantage point ( I was looking Westward ) a while longer. To get an even better close-up perspective,I began switching between my binoculars and rifle scope,...searching for other pieces of same-type logs on the near-by forest floor that could be attributed to a normal weather incident or natural tree-fall occurrence. We hunt often on this piece of private land that is a 30 acre square area ,comprised largely of very tall lodge pole pines and big hardwoods. Thus, it's quite common for the forest floor to be riddled and littered with 'blow-overs'. After observing this potential 'marker' for a while,I thought "What else am I NOT seeing?" I then slowly began to pan my field of vision, and began looking to my right, to the NNE somewhat, approximatley 180 degrees away from the direct area from which these photos were taken and,sure enough...there was another marker. This one,much smaller (which I've yet to publish on this sight ) was a tree of approximately 8-10 inches in circumference that was bent over in the same direction as the other larger trees, but it's top branch formation was touching the forest floor. From where I sat, this more flexible tree ( a wild-cherry type) seemed as though it's top branches had been woven into some intricate fashion among the smaller plants and trees that it was secured to near the forest floor during their summer or spring 'greening' growth period. Thus, maintaining it's downward bent-over/angular-pointed appearance. I silently got my wife's attention and we 'broke post' to walk over to and observe both of these structures and respective surrounding ground debris. With regard to the larger structure,we found no trees/fallen debris of the same dimensional properties that matched the 2 tress that made up the configuration. After thoroughly examining the trees and the 2 separate surrounding areas in question,we shot digital still photos and recorded various digital video clips of each. We also logged GPS co-ordinates respectively. We jointly came to the conclusion that these were not common 'blow-overs' or tree-falls of natural causes. The larger trees (in the photos displayed) by the way, are as big in circumference as smaller telephone/electric utility poles that are facilitated and common in the rural areas of PA and other locations through-out the mid-eastern states.
This particular area of property,lies directly on the demarcation line of Armstrong and Indiana counties within the PA Commonwealth. We have noted in the past ( we being our close-knit group of campers,hikers,fishermen and hunters,not just me and my wife) that our visits have been known to have a few, strange, late-night,unexplainable occurrences, along with other tree stackings/nests that have we've discovered over the 5 or 6 year period of us frequenting
this area ( I'm a believer in the 'habitualization' within nature theories). According to our bigfoot data base and GPS co-ordinates, we are a stones throw away from various other 'edgy-occurrences' that have taken place in this 2 county vicinity over the years with witnessed reports of Sasquatch/bigfoot/hairy homind sightings.
A CU P.O.V. of the larger trees are shown below...
I heard my stomach growl,my bio-clock signalling that it was later than I had previously thought, when my wife and I decided to move slightly from our original post set up earlier that morning. Sure enough,after checking time-mode on my GPS, it was just after 1PM on the 3rd day of the PA rifled whitetail season, Nov. 2007. I opened my camouflaged day/ back-pack and began to savor the 3 course meal of beef jerky,cheddar cheese and bottled water. This was quite enjoyable I thought to myself as I sat comfortably on my hot seat, which I had placed upon a fallen log,relaxing in the warm early afternoon late autumnal sun. Behind me, not more than 10 - 15 ft. away, was my wife at the ready with our digital camera and camcorder,both of us anticipating an opportune moment of a browsing whitetail or fleeting 'venison on the hoof". With her and my profile hidden by the trees we had at our backs,we were on the alert with all senses hitting every piston. We had been sitting and observing for a good 45minutes or so at this location,she was posting/covering areas to the East and South of the property we usually hunt,...I was facing the West and Northward approaches for any movement,scent or sound. Suddenly it dawned on me,...duh,...what the 'H' was that large timber placed on the upright pole in such (an almost 45 degree) direction fashion. It almost looked like a possible directional marking stacking,..duh! I sat and observed the structure,which was approximately 20 to 25 yards from my vantage point ( I was looking Westward ) a while longer. To get an even better close-up perspective,I began switching between my binoculars and rifle scope,...searching for other pieces of same-type logs on the near-by forest floor that could be attributed to a normal weather incident or natural tree-fall occurrence. We hunt often on this piece of private land that is a 30 acre square area ,comprised largely of very tall lodge pole pines and big hardwoods. Thus, it's quite common for the forest floor to be riddled and littered with 'blow-overs'. After observing this potential 'marker' for a while,I thought "What else am I NOT seeing?" I then slowly began to pan my field of vision, and began looking to my right, to the NNE somewhat, approximatley 180 degrees away from the direct area from which these photos were taken and,sure enough...there was another marker. This one,much smaller (which I've yet to publish on this sight ) was a tree of approximately 8-10 inches in circumference that was bent over in the same direction as the other larger trees, but it's top branch formation was touching the forest floor. From where I sat, this more flexible tree ( a wild-cherry type) seemed as though it's top branches had been woven into some intricate fashion among the smaller plants and trees that it was secured to near the forest floor during their summer or spring 'greening' growth period. Thus, maintaining it's downward bent-over/angular-pointed appearance. I silently got my wife's attention and we 'broke post' to walk over to and observe both of these structures and respective surrounding ground debris. With regard to the larger structure,we found no trees/fallen debris of the same dimensional properties that matched the 2 tress that made up the configuration. After thoroughly examining the trees and the 2 separate surrounding areas in question,we shot digital still photos and recorded various digital video clips of each. We also logged GPS co-ordinates respectively. We jointly came to the conclusion that these were not common 'blow-overs' or tree-falls of natural causes. The larger trees (in the photos displayed) by the way, are as big in circumference as smaller telephone/electric utility poles that are facilitated and common in the rural areas of PA and other locations through-out the mid-eastern states.
This particular area of property,lies directly on the demarcation line of Armstrong and Indiana counties within the PA Commonwealth. We have noted in the past ( we being our close-knit group of campers,hikers,fishermen and hunters,not just me and my wife) that our visits have been known to have a few, strange, late-night,unexplainable occurrences, along with other tree stackings/nests that have we've discovered over the 5 or 6 year period of us frequenting
A CU P.O.V. of the larger trees are shown below...
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