This photo was rather interesting in that there was no 'real' discernable weather-related nor natural reason for this tree to be bent and attached to it's 'treed' or attached location at the end of the tree,near it's crown portion approximately 11 the ground.

This photo in the series of the top 3 was just a random glamour sho/'B'roll-static of nearby grasses and rough flora growth it's winterized state.
This photo was also originally shot to capture the simple harsh winter-like beauty of the immediate area,but,upon further investigation...lo and behold-what's that in the background,at the edge of the field near the treeline, possibly 'creepin' and a peepin' away into the underbrush? Another 'blogsquatch' added to the countless numbers of similar photos on the www. We have no idea,...your guess is welcome.
These 2 pics are of the area approximately 1500 yards in a NNE direction from where large and small possible directional markers were examined and depicted in the various corresponding ( Stick-Stacking )posts. The photo is a med-wide shot of the 100 yard diameter bowl-like depression in the somewhat flat area at the top of the access road
where gas well hardware for a utility company is implemented.
Here is the med-wide shot of the access road looking southward from the gas well towards the main legislative route that borders/parallels the southern edge/property line of the acreage in question. Note:(somewhat)the extreme size and height of the lodge-pole pines (more photos to illustrate this will be forthcoming). The utility access road is approximately 10 feet wide from outer edge to outer edge. Also keep in mind,...there are 2 small streams that border both South to North borders of this acreage. We have found various fresh water food sources along here. These waterways are not deep enough to harbour trout,but,...they do flow into a larger tributary which does.
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